
8 Sunroom Activities

8 Sunroom Activities

Sunrooms (sometimes known as patio enclosures) are great spaces for taking part in various activities. Did you know they could help improve users' moods?

It’s a fact that they give users feelings of being outside by letting natural sunlight shine through which greatly helps with mood improvement. Users get the health benefits of sunlight such as vitamin D, which has been said to possibly prevent cancer and balance immune systems, without harmful UV radiation. So, what activities can be enjoyed in sunrooms? The possibilities are endless, but commonly include the following.


SPA Sunhouse - sunroom from Alukov


1. Exercising

Make your sunroom your own personal gym. With a retractable patio enclosure you have the option to workout in or outside 365 days a year.


2. Reading and relaxing

Curl up with a good book in any type of weather. Relax with a glass of wine and some classical music. On rainy days, we find the sound of rain hitting the sunroom as particularly soothing.


3. Working

Sunrooms can be used as home offices.


4. Gardening

Many plants need sunlight to prosper and sunrooms offer plenty. You won’t have to worry about animals eating your plants either!


5. Playing games

Especially when space is limited in homes, sunrooms can be used as children’s play areas and game rooms.


6. Entertaining

Have friends over for dinner. They can relax and socialize while enjoying the scenic views of your backyard.


7. Painting/drawing

Sunrooms make great artists’ studios because of the natural sunlight they exude.


8. Sewing

Whether a hole in a pair of pants needs to get sewn or users’ wish to create quilts and clothes from scratch, consider designating your sunroom as a sewing or other hobby space.


What are some activities you use your sunroom for? Head over to our Facebook page and let us know.